Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Little Help!!!!

The Fists of Justice League needs your help! Tell us what lame comic strips you'd like to see our intrepid heroes tackle. Meanwhile, stay tuned to this space, and we plan more frequent and steady updates in the near future.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sarge Pounds...and Scores!

Ted has sealed his fate by not only being lazy, but also smarting off to Sarge. And since the joke was an old Abbott and Costello routine, Sarge actually understood it. Retribution is swift, and Ted folds like the Chickenhawk he is ...

Sarge wraps things up months faster than Sally's writers ever thought possible ...

Um .... you're on your own Sarge. Good luck with that.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Ted's Nightmare Begins

Sarge decides to give Ted some motivation using his own tried and true techniques.

Ooooohhhh! SASS! And even better, sass based on an old Abbott and Costello joke! What will Sarge's reaction be? Will he break out the Sarge Stomp? Will he be any more successful in pummeling the lazy out of Ted than he was with Beetle? Stay tuned to find out!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Margo + Sarge = ...Sargo! .. er... Trouble!

Margo calls the member of the Fists of Justice League best equipped to handle lazy punks with no motivation ...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Will She Sally Forth?

Sally Forth may be the most inappropriately-named strip out there, because she never does--sally forth, that is. For eons we were on this story about her husband's lack of work. Instead of turning it into some fabulous "Job Eye for the Lazy Guy" carnival, the Sally Forthers just threw the strip into a bucket and let it float around for a while.

Now, though, it appears even the long-suffering Sally has had enough ... and she's calling in the Fists of Justice League!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Somebody Shut Her Up!

Margo, rather than falling prey to Mary's treachery, is actually engaging in a sneak attack ...

Why is Margo sneaking her hand in there? Is it a feel-up? Gross! Or ... could it be ....

Yes! Eat your heart out (no pun intended) crazy priest from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom! It is the doom of Margo! Let's just hope she doesn't eat it raw as Mary collapses onto the floor. Later, outside the hospital ...

Margo's news angers and saddens the other members of the League, who wanted a shot at Mary. So the adventure is over. Mary Worth is defeated, and another lame-o meddling biddy storyline is derailed ... or, is it? In a warehouse across town ...

The End ... for now ...

Mary Worth, The End (?

When last we left Margo, it appeared she had fallen into Mary Worth's "Boring old lady" trap. Or had she?

We may never know, Blogspot won't let me upload images so far this afternoon.

Mary Worth, Day Four-Part One

Wait a minute? Is this what Margo means by "It's on"? Seeking solace on the shoulder of what is ostensibly an older female human? Has she fallen prey to Mary's white haired hypnotism? Will I stop asking questions and get on with it?


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Mary Worth, Day Three

With Mark Trail out of the way, Mary continues to get her meddle on ...

But wait, all is not lost! It looks like the vicious Margo has appeared on the scene, and from the look of delight on her face she is already thinking about the beautiful Mary Worh Head Lamp that will soon adorne Apartment 3-G!

Even as Mrs. Amafli complains about her good-for-nothing sons, we know the carnage about to begin will make her long for the good old days of trips to the hospital and jail to bail her ungrateful curs out of trouble. The confrontation begins!

Want to see what happens next! So do I!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Episode Two: Mary Fights Back

Mark Trail's intervention is for naught!

More proof that Mary is actually an undead zombie: Mark's Fist of Justice bounces off and she retaliates with an evil spewing!

Friday, April 11, 2008

The First Adventure: Mary Worthless

There are evil rumblings in the world of daily comics. Mary Worth appears to be preparing to meddle once again. This might not be so bad if her meddling took any form other than slow-motion blather.

Fortunately, Sgt. Snorkel is on duty at Fists of Justice League Headquarters!

The alarm goes out to all Fists of Justice Leaguers ...

Mark Trail gets there first!

Will Mark's Original Fist of Justice defeat this lame storyline before it gets rolling? Or will Mary bounce back like the interest-draining zombie she is, requiring the Doom of Margo? Stay tuned to find out!